Once a thief was running away after stealing a wallet of a women and suddenly collapse with a old poor man who is walking with his artificial leg and a dustbin trolley.
When the both were collapsed with each other the old poor man fell down absorbing the shock poorly and his leg was removed out.
Thief was in so quick, so he kick the old man and trying to snatch the wallet he steals and that's outcome effect badly on the old poor man and get unconscious...well the old poor man tighten his grip with the wallet and lied down.
As i said the thief was in so quick, so he ran away from there due to the fear of getting by public.
After a while, the peoples were gathered with police officer in the search of the stealed wallet of the women and catch the old poor man with the wallet in hand and so arrested by the police officer.
Decide yourself who was guilty....and believe me absolutely the thief was not !!
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